Your Transcripts. Your Way.

Now Available through Blockchain.


Order An Academic Transcript


  • PG电子游戏是世界上首批支持使用该技术制作成绩单和数字文凭的大学之一.
  • PG电子游戏已经实施了区块链成绩单和文凭, empowering students to own their learning credentials.

This service helps our students easily access, share, manage and verify their degree diplomas, transcripts and other learning achievements.

To order a transcript, 验证区块链成绩单或了解更多PG电子平台成绩单选项, please select from the options below.


Current Students Transcript Ordering

Students, 你现在可以在区块链上订购Maryville的官方成绩单, portable document, or printed formats, or obtain an unofficial copy for your records.



  • What is a blockchain transcript?

    Maryville now offers blockchain transcripts, 让学生安全地拥有自己的学习证书. 通过区块链技术拥有自己的学习证书可以让您轻松访问, share, manage and verify your diplomas and certificates, transcripts, and other learning achievements.

    区块链记录是防篡改的,可以轻松安全地共享和验证. In this format, 你将拥有并控制你的学习证书,这样你就可以很容易地从你的个人设备上决定你想分享什么,和谁分享.

    When issued, 该记录将永久保存在区块链上, 它将创建一个独特的链接,您可以使用该链接与您指定的任何人共享您的成绩单,这些第三方可以使用该链接来确认由PG电子游戏发布的区块链上的官方成绩单的真实性.

    PG电子游戏是世界上首批支持使用区块链技术制作成绩单的大学之一. PG电子游戏建议与您将与之共享区块链记录的组织或个人核实,以确认他们将接受这种格式的记录. You may wish to include in your inquiry the link, which will provide them with additional information.


  • What is a PDF (portable document format) transcript?



  • What is a printed transcript?

    A printed transcript is a physical paper document. To be considered official, it typically needs to be mailed directly to the recipient in a sealed envelope; it is recommended that you check with the organization receiving the transcript for their specific delivery requirements. For instance, 有些学校不接受由学生亲自递交的成绩单, even if it is in a sealed envelope. 当要求打印成绩单通过邮件交付, there is a cost for mailing; expedited delivery options are also available.

  • How do I ensure my transcript shows my final grades?

    For PDF and paper transcripts:
    • If you are graduating soon, when you submit your order select “After Degree is Awarded,你的成绩单在你的学位或证书被授予之前不会被公布.

    For blockchain transcripts:
    • 请等到所有的课程作业都被评分后再申请区块链成绩单. You can check your unofficial transcript, which will show your final grades once released. 在大多数情况下,期末成绩会在学期结束后一周内公布.

  • 我如何确保我的成绩单显示我完成的学位或证书?

    For PDF and paper transcripts:
    • If you are graduating soon, when you submit your order select “After Degree is Awarded,你的成绩单在你的学位或证书被授予之前不会被公布.

    For blockchain transcripts:
    • 请等到您的学位或证书被授予后再申请区块链成绩单. 如果你最近刚刚完成学位的所有课程, 您可以查看您的非官方成绩单(注意:您必须拥有有效的Maryville登录凭据才能访问非官方成绩单), which will show your degree or certificate once awarded. 在大多数情况下,学位或证书在学期结束后的2-3周内颁发.



Welcome Maryville Alumni

Alumni Post-1982 Transcript Ordering

PG电子游戏不断提升PG电子游戏的技术和服务 alumni. 除了便携式文档(pdf)和纸质格式外,PG电子游戏现在还提供区块链成绩单.



  • What is a blockchain transcript?

    Maryville now offers blockchain transcripts, 让学生安全地拥有自己的学习证书. 通过区块链技术拥有自己的学习证书可以让您轻松访问, share, manage and verify your diplomas and certificates, transcripts, and other learning achievements.

    区块链记录是防篡改的,可以轻松安全地共享和验证. In this format, 你将拥有并控制你的学习证书,这样你就可以很容易地从你的个人设备上决定你想分享什么,和谁分享.

    When issued, 该记录将永久保存在区块链上, 它将创建一个独特的链接,您可以使用该链接与您指定的任何人共享您的成绩单,这些第三方可以使用该链接来确认由PG电子游戏发布的区块链上的官方成绩单的真实性.

    PG电子游戏是世界上首批支持使用区块链技术制作成绩单的大学之一. PG电子游戏建议与您将与之共享区块链记录的组织或个人核实,以确认他们将接受这种格式的记录. You may wish to include in your inquiry the link, which will provide them with additional information.


  • What is a PDF (portable document format) transcript?



  • What is a printed transcript?

    A printed transcript is a physical paper document. To be considered official, it typically needs to be mailed directly to the recipient in a sealed envelope; it is recommended that you check with the organization receiving the transcript for their specific delivery requirements. For instance, 有些学校不接受由学生亲自递交的成绩单, even if it is in a sealed envelope. 当要求打印成绩单通过邮件交付, there is a cost for mailing; expedited delivery options are also available.

  • 我如何确保我的成绩单显示我完成的学位或证书?

    For PDF and paper transcripts:
    • If you are graduating soon, when you submit your order select “After Degree is Awarded,你的成绩单在你的学位或证书被授予之前不会被公布.

    For blockchain transcripts:
    • 请等到您的学位或证书被授予后再申请区块链成绩单. 如果你最近刚刚完成学位的所有课程,你可以检查你的 unofficial transcript (注意:你必须有活跃的Maryville登录凭证才能访问非官方成绩单), which will show your degree or certificate once awarded. 在大多数情况下,学位或证书在学期结束后的2-3周内颁发.



Welcome Maryville Alumni

Alumni Pre-1982 Transcript Ordering

If you studied at MU prior to 1982, PG电子游戏通过以下步骤以纸质形式发布官方成绩单:

  1. Complete the Transcript Request Form
  2. Print and sign the form. 根据联邦隐私法,PG电子游戏不接受文件上的电子签名.
  3. Mail, fax, or bring the completed form to the Solution Squad in the Gander Hall Visitor’s Center. The mailing address and fax number are listed on the form.



Maryville University Blockchain Transcripts


PG电子游戏实施了学生拥有的学习证书服务,以帮助PG电子游戏的学生轻松访问, share, manage and verify their diplomas and certificates, transcripts and other learning achievements.

区块链新兴技术为PG电子游戏的学生和校友在数字时代拥有个人信息的自由和安全. PG电子游戏是世界上首批支持使用该技术制作成绩单和数字文凭的大学之一.

在区块链上验证玛丽维尔学生的证书只需要几秒钟,而不是几天甚至几周, and verification is free for the employers and universities.

Validate A Blockchain Transcript

区块链支持及时、自信地获取人才. 区块链验证只需要几秒钟,并且认证记录是不可变的. Maryville通过提供区块链验证来支持毕业生的雇主,该验证只需几秒钟即可获得不可变的证书记录,节省了使用传统验证方法的时间和候聘者的损失. Learn more how Maryville is advancing services through blockchain.



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Connect with our Solution Squad by email at, visit or call (314) 529-9360.